Headless Press Fit Drill Bushing Liners – Type L
ANSI/ACME Designation Type L
- Used with Slip-Fixed Renewable bushings to provide precise location point
- Permits interchange of Type SF bushings with varied I.D.’s — without affecting centerline accuracy
- Permanently pressed into jig plate — for the life of the jig
- Protects jig plate from wear caused by frequent bushing replacement
- Used where little impact will occur on the SF bushing’s head
All press fit bushings are lapped, honed, or ground in the I.D. Bushing I.D. sizes are held within .0005″ T.I.R.
All unground bushings are left rough on the O.D. with concentricity of approximately .006” T.I.R.
Metric bushings are concentric within .013 T.I.R. to the O.D.

close spacing
top of jig plate
Headless Press Fit Liners – Inch

Headless Press Fit Liners – Metric